Tuesday, March 4, 2008

slowly increasing the miles

When I saw that Pete had posted a run for Saturday morning, I thought I'd join him in on it. I'm slowly increasing my mileage for my long runs, but it seems that lately there hasn't been anything on the OCTR calendar that's shorter than 20 miles on these weekend runs. Not quite ready for that distance yet.

Pete refueling himself with some sort of energy drink in his fave Barbie mug.

Pete's run is unique in that he'd designed it so that people can come and go for all or just for part of it. There are 4 segments to the run, all starting and ending in the same spot. The first part started at 5am for about 10 miles. Too early. I passed up on that one. The next one was for 8 miles and started at 7:15 or so. Hmmm. Pass again. I'm still working on my beauty sleep. Yes, I need it badly. The next one was around 9am for another 10 miles. That sounds about right. I also had the option of running the last section which was still TBD.

Pete and Kalea running the hills of El Moro Canyon.

So I'm back at El Moro Canyon again where I joined up with Pete and Kalea for the sleepy head 9am start. We did a 10-mile loop around the park. I was monitoring myself, seeing how my body feels. I'm still working on getting my cardio fitness and my hill legs back. After the loop, we decided to go for another 5 miles. We'd been running on wide fire roads so I showed them Lizards Trail which is a sweet and fast singletrack to throw into the mix. Fun, fun, fun!!

Taking a quick photo break to take in the view.

It was a great run. The sun wasn't out, rather it was misty all day which kept us cool. I was elated to come out of the run feeling pretty good. Total miles for the day was about 15. I was tired though, and spent most of the day just resting and relaxing in a recumbent position :) Popped a few of the the Recover-Ease capsules and had some well-deserved protein-rich adobo for lunch.

What a fine way to start the weekend.


Anonymous said...

wooow! congrats eric! i too am on road to recovery. no more nasty pain on the knee. been a good girl for the past weeks :-) cheers to more mileage & enjoyable errr actually religious runs to us! :-)

Anonymous said...

sounds awesome!

Unknown said...

banggi... cool! glad to hear the pain is gone. happy running.

angie... yes, it was. thanks!

Adelyn said...

sounds like a great run! I'm so glad to hear you're getting that mileage back up and doing so well.

The pics are beautiful. Everything is so green!

Unknown said...

addy...yeah, can you believe how green everything is? just trying to enjoy them right now before they turn to the summer golden brown.