Wednesday, April 15, 2009

cross-training notes

Although I knew I was going to run the SJT 50K this year, it was hard to feel very confident about it. I had to miss some runs due to recurring issues with my shin splints and tendonitis. To make up for those lost runs I put in double time at the gym, taking spinning classes immediately followed by an hour of laps at the pool. I sometimes threw in some weight and core work into the mix. On days when I've felt especially motivated I've spent up to three hours at the gym usually early in the morning before I start work.

As a result I feel that my conditioning has improved even when I had to stay off my feet to help my body recover from whatever may be ailing it.

Running is still my favorite workout, though it is nice to know that when I have to take a break from it, there are other forms of training I can use so that I'm able to maintain my fitness level.


Anonymous said...

You are speaking my mind!!! I feel the same about cross training. When you are well trained all around a 50k is manageable without pounding the pavement miles and miles before.

Unknown said...

and it leaves me legs fresh for what i love to do :)

Jaymie said...

Hey e-rod! Just what I needed to get me out of this rut i'm in. Suffered from ITB, tendonitis, and now plantar. It's been very frustrating but this post got me inspired to try and spend more time at the gym. I may not survive a full 3 hours like you though :) Get well soon!