Monday, July 30, 2007

life is good

Enjoying a late summer afternoon at the beach with two beauties, Allyson and Michele. Yes, life is good. (Thanks for the photo, Michele).

Ingredients for a great day...

1 part southern california summer day
a fun trail run with friends
a barbeque/pool party at the vinmeister's house
hanging out at the beach with some cool people

Start off the day with an 18-mile morning trail run through O'Neil Regional Park with a mix of OCTR runners and the all-female contingent from the Sole Mates. Follow it up with some cannonball drops in Vinnie's awesome pool while enjoying some ice-cold Corona. Mix it up with some fresh- off-the-grill salmon and carne asada. Top off the day with a little beach volleyball and bonfire with some friends. Enjoy. Serves one :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Those girls are HOT! lol Love ya! Michele

Stephanie said... wonder you're into trail running:-)
If I had some cute boys accompanying me, I would run like hell, too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed those do sound like the ingredients for a great day!

Anonymous said...

what disappoints me most is the utter lack of such hot, good company during my morning runs...

and i wasn't talking about you eric...LOL

Unknown said...

hey one-L...welcome to my blog. yeah, you're right. these girls are making my summer even hotter. :)

steph...i do run with other trail hottie totties (one reason why i run...haha), but these two cuties are actually from my non-running life.

zappo...thanks for dropping by. i see i'm not the only one that think so too :) better not have been talking about me...haha

Anonymous said...

dang e-rod, you give running a good name. whos's the one on the left? aerodynamics out the window, eh? good pic, dude. absolutely inspirational.

Unknown said...

jun...i just run coz it's fun,dude. glad i could inspire you.

Anonymous said...

So that why running has been challenging, aerodynamics??? LOL