Saturday, March 24, 2007

el morro or is it el moro?

Too much drinking the night before at a toga party left me with just about four hours of fitful sleep before a planned 18-20 mile run on Saturday morning. Upon waking up, I pretty much made up my mind that my mileage for the day will have to be cut down. I did make it to the El Moro Canyon parking lot with about 20+ OCTRunners. It's just off PCH next to El Morro Elementary School. Awesome day for running. We were watching the sun rise over the ridge as LW commented that it was probably Keira's glow who was running at the front of the pack. I saw a few other familiar faces out on the trail – Doug M. and player Bob. It was a great morning, and I'm glad I didn't sleep in. I would've had to pull a redemption run penalty anyway if I "punked out" of the run. Skip would make sure of it. And I needed to collect from Abbie. She bribed the Manic Monday Meltdown runners with our favorite trail gels in an attempt to redeem herself after skipping out on that run.

After the run, I went in for a frigid cold water bath in the Pacific – well just my feet and legs anyway. This isn't the Polar Bear Club after all. Garmin said that I completed 14 miles so I was ok with that.

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